B&G Private Build Harness – B&G Guitars
Crossroads Series From $1199
Little Sister
Step Sister
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B&G Private Build Harness


Available: In stock

The Private Build harnesses are pre-wired circuit assemblies, that allow a direct upgrade for any Crossroads guitar to the fabled “50’s wiring” of the Private and Standard Builds.

The circuit uses premium quality volume and tone potentiometers, toggle switch and output jack, and is wired with vintage-style braided cable.

The harness is available in two versions: the standard SVT (3-Way Switch, Volume, Tone) assembly of all Little Sister, Step Sister and Goldfinger guitars and the VVT (Volume Neck, Volume Bridge, Tone) harness, stock on the Little Sister Cedar of Lebanon. 

The VVT wiring has two separate volume controls for the neck and bridge pickups, and a shared tone control, leaving out the toggle switch.

This wiring setup allows the player to be able to use each pickup independently, or dial in their favorite blend of the two.
Both the SVT and the VVT Private Build Harness come in Gold and Nickel versions.

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B&G Private Build Harness

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B&G Private Build Harness